Monday, October 31, 2005

This is a list with works in Spanish that I sent pretty Rachel for her to read:

Con respecto a los libros que pienso deberías leer, ahí va una lista:
1. Todo Jorge Luis Borges.
2. Casi todo Julio Cortázar.
3. Gabriel García Márquez: Cien Años de Soledad y Amor en Tiempos del Cólera.
4. Alfredo Bryce Echenique: La Vida Exagerada de Martín Romaña y El Hombre que Hablaba de Octavia de Cádiz.
5. José Donoso: El Obsceno Pájaro de la Noche y Casa de Campo.
6. Juan Rulfo:Pedro Páramo y El Llano en LLamas.
7. Manuel Rojas: Cuentos e Hijo de Ladrón.
8. Marcela Paz: la serie completa de Papelucho.
9. Mario Vargas Llosa: Conversación en la Catedral y La ciudad y los Perros.
10. Pablo Neruda: Canto General y Residencia en la Tierra.
11. Gabriela Mistral: Ojalá todos los poemas. En su defecto, Desolación.
12. César Vallejo: Los Heraldos Negros, Trilce, España aparta de mí este Cáliz.
13. Jorge Tellier: Los Dominios Perdidos.
14. Gonzalo Rojas: Antología de Aire.
15. Nicanor Parra. Ojalá todo, pero Poemas y Antipoemas es una buena introducción. Hay una antología: Poemas para la Calvicie.
16. Dicen que Ricardo Piglia es muy bueno, pero no lo he leído.
18. Vicente Huidobro: Altazor.
19. Ernesto Sabato: El Túnel y Sobre Héroes y Tumbas.
20. Los cuentos de Mario Benedetti.Su novela, La Tregua, es muy linda también.

There are many people missing above: Federico García Lorca, Quevedo, Jaime Collyer, Onetti, Lezama Lima, Javier Marías, Cervantes (claro)y demasiados ibéricos, etc.

Monday, October 10, 2005

birthday is coming

For all of you who are nervous because you don't really know what material things can balance how wonderful I am with you even if I haven't called you up for ages, well here is the solution...

My birthday gift list!!!!!!!!! 2005
1. The Gutenberg Bible
first document ever printed, the Gutenberg Bible would be a good acquisition for a book loving creep like me.

2. Obviously, a thought-reading machine not to drop the ball anymore anytime I say anything.

3. The perfect perfume that attracts every attractive woman who otherwise would never know I am standing next to them.

4. Or maybe her?

5. or her?

6. Ok... This one... just to make you happy and show you I am a good boy.

Forget it. Just say hello and I'll be happy.

window break

last week, as I arrived home, I could see a whole spectacular of paranoia and old-age when my family told me that someone had thrown a stone through the window. My brother immediatly created an scenario in which we are the next victims of robbery and entering in the neighborhood. My parents were amazed by the fact that the pieces of shattered glass were spread all over the living room and the hole in the window was so little.
Some days have gone by and what amazes me now is that they are putting bars all over the place as if a decent robber could't
a) see that there sin't much worth robbing home.
b) get rid of some bars right away.

Now, I don't want to use an image as clumsy as the caged bird. So think about any other creature behind bars with a sad face and that's me.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

small discovery

have you ever been with a person who, as he/she earns more, the more paranoid they get?
It happens in all families...

Friday, October 07, 2005

ah, tiredness!

Being tired was something that I had experienced in the past, but this one is really something new. It's the moment that blinds your mind and just doesn't let you think about anything that worries me. I have come, stood upong and gone beyond that moment now. I hope a night's rest in my hay-lying place will help. More clarity tomorrow... Please.