Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Favorite movies revisited

1. The Field of Dreams
2. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
3. The Usual Suspects
4. Magnolia
5. Cinema Paradiso
6. Leolo
7.La Fiesta de Babette
8. Todas las MaƱanas del Mundo
9. Seven
10. el Nombre de la Rosa
11. Los tres Colores
12. The Mighty
13. Out of Africa -
14. The Nightmare Before Christmas
15. Cyrano de Bergerac
16. The Color Purple
17. Birdy
18. The Princess Bride
19. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
20. The Hours
21. Adaptation
22. My Own Private Idaho
23. Karakter
24. Zelig
25. The Count of Monte Cristo
26. The Shawshank Redemption
27. Simon Birch
28. Shakespeare in Love
29. Unbreakable
30. MacBeth (Polanski)
31. To Kill a Mockingbird
32. Grapes of Wrath
33. The Big Lebowski
34. My Own Private Idaho
35. Lugares Comunes
36. Nosferatu (Mourneau)
37. Amelie
38. Amadeus
39. East of Eden
40. Groundhog Day
41. L. A. Confidential
42. The Seven Samurai
43. Casablanca
44. The Dead Zone
45. Wuthering Heights